Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Hi all. Hubby saw a pulmonary doctor yesterday and it looks there's an underlying condition causing the slow recovery. Not a good thing but we will learn to deal with it. Meanwhile, he is off work for two more weeks (it's already been three) and he is getting stir crazy. He doesn't have a lot of strength or endurance right now but he is very tired of sitting. It's gonna be a long two weeks...:-)


  1. Sorry to hear your hubby is not better. Maybe you can get him to help you make some minis? I find them so relaxing and time just flies while I'm working... :D

  2. I am sure you are both very sick of being sick. He was supposed to be on the mend and then a two more weeks estimate..what a kick when you're down. I'm sorry you guys are having a rough time and hope there is good news for you both soon.

    I wish I had some solution to help make the time fly. A person can only watch so much TV or read, sigh.

  3. Oh dear, I really am sorry and wish you all the best and a quick recovery for your husband.

  4. You and your hubby have been in my thoughts. I hope he is doing better now.


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