Monday, February 6, 2012

Home from the hospital

My DH came home yesterday morning. He's still got 1-2 weeks of recovery time ahead of him. He gets worn out and short of breath quite easily. Besides being chief cook and bottlewasher, I'm also the nurse. Thursday I go back to work. I'm not sure how much time I will have for minis or blogging this week. I will check out all of your blogs, though. Hope to be back to a somewhat normal schedule soon!


  1. (((((hugs))))))

    I wish I lived close enough to help you out a bit De ♥

  2. De. I'm so happy to hear that your DH is doing better. Be sure to take care of yourself while you are taking care of him too. Best wishes for a quick recovery.

  3. Hope you AND your hubby get well quick! Take good care of yourself.
    Thanks for the updates.

  4. oh, pneumonia! It is going around the schools like crazy this winter. My 8 year old has already had it twice, and once last winter. Very hard to know if it's viral, so they are always cautious and do the antibiotics. I hope life for you will return to normal soon. Hang in there!

  5. Sending you positive thoughts for a speedy recovery for your DH! Hugs!

  6. Wishing you and your family successful recovery! xoxo, Amy


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