Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Today was one of those days when I felt the need to "fix" some things that I hadn't been completely happy with in my mini house. First up is my mini stocking boot. I originally made the fur with textured clay but that just wasn't right. Today I changed it to actual fake fur. It looks much better now.
I bought this bentwood rocker many years ago. It was originally a golden oak color but our real one was dark wood. I finally got brave enough to paint it. I was worried about getting paint on the "cane" part but I didn't need to. :)
And, finally, I changed the living room window treatments. Although we didn't have wood blinds at the time the dollhouse is set in, the decor has slowly been morphing into the way the house looks now. I've never liked the lace curtains that were in this room and they didn't look like the real window treatments that were in here anyway. We currently have wood blinds so I used a bamboo placemat to make some for the mini room. I need to do some dusting in here soon. Apparently, mini me is not the best housekeeper, lol.


  1. How satisfying to finally attend to those details that have been irritating you. Great job! Sandie

  2. the rocker looks so nice in the dark color and the blinds look fantastic! My mini house badly needs a dusting too- I keep putting it off because it seems like such an overwhelming job :) Happy Spring De!!!

  3. Thank you, both!

    Kim, this particular house sits on a fairly high shelf. Even on a step stool I can barely see the third floor. I really only notice the dust when I take pictures. The houses that I look into more frequently get cleaned a bit more often. Things like the library exhibit help, lol. Can't display a dirty house, you know. ;)


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