Thursday, April 5, 2012

Better luck next time

Well, I'm a little sad. No one signed up for my trash to treasure workshop at the library. If I try this again I will do some advertising of my own as I don't think the library promoted it as well as some of the other April activities but there just may not be any miniaturists in the area.

I do now have patterns to make the whole set, though. And I got the experience of really thinking about the process so I could actually teach it. I will hopefully be able to use those skills for a future mini workshop.


  1. Well, that is disappointing. :[ I think it is hard to know where miniaturists are in any given area and how to contact them. I hope you're not too discouraged. :]

  2. The idea of a trash to treasure workshop is just great. There probably are no miniaturists in the area. But, it's also a good idea to pass such a workshop online, or with children, to keep them busy during vacations.
    Happy Easter!
    Hugs, Drora

  3. I'd have come. I'd be overwhelmed with excitement if there was aminiature workshop near me.

  4. Oh De- that's so disappointing! I wish I lived close to you- I would have loved to take that workshop.

  5. That is a bit disappointing, sorry De.

    Maybe there just weren't any miniaturist that were available at that time slot, or maybe your local miniaturists don't use the library? There are so many variables.

    Just a thought, you could post this up on the Greenleaf forums in the future, they have a spot for mini events and there is a good amount of traffic there.

    I don't know what all your details were, but maybe you could do a virtual workshop? Have a signup sheet (post) and then email the patterns and/or materials list with a deadline for pictures to come back to you.

    Just think you could do it all in your coziest jammies and less time constraints!

  6. That's too bad, it looked like it would have been alot of fun. I bet there are many people who would be sad that they missed out on it.

  7. I just read this info....Sad, but with a better advert and mouth to mouth Im sure it`ll be a success the next time. Never give up the first time.
    But in the meantime you have your big, waiting and loving audience. WE would love your info. but you wanted a live audience. Please dont forget us!!
    Please share... We`re waiting to learn or to learn more... Let us hear and learn like your beautiful children.

    Take care.


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