Sunday, May 27, 2012

I don't know where I'm gonna put it...

...but wait til you see what I found today! It's a DuraCraft San Franciscan. I was driving home from church alone because I had responsibilities for both services today and saw that the house next door to the church was having a garage sale. I scanned over what I could see as I drove by and was very excited to see the dollhouse. I only live a few minutes away so I drove home to change and pick up hubby to get his opinion.
 The house and everything you see in these photos was only $30!  The big bonus is that it's already constructed, complete with siding and shingles. I have some minor repair work to do and some exterior painting, too. The furniture kits will need some sanding, gluing and new paint but will give me a big headstart on furnishings. I love the porcelain Victorian family. The little boy's clothes are a little strange for the period so I will have to do a little work on his outfit. Other than gluing Father's collar back on, I think the adults will stay as they are.
 There are a lot of pots and pans, an almost complete set of Chrysnbon dishes and lots of other miscellaneous goodies.
The house has been done with copper tape but not very well and the tape is broken in places. It came with a transformer but I will add battery  powered lights if I decide I want them.

I have to work on my little project first but I so want to work on this house. It isn't going to take anywhere near as much work as last summer's Willowcrest.


  1. Great find! I'm sure you will find a place for it! :D

    Good for you!

  2. Lucky you! I have never seen any miniatures in my area.

  3. What an awesome find, I can't believe you got all this for 30bucks; especially given your luck finding that Willowcrest last year.

    I've seen these kits on ebay recently go for 3x that (not including shipping), you made out like a bandit!!

  4. Hi De! I don't know if you know this but Mary from Mary's Dollhouse Nook has built and decorated a Duracraft San Fransiscan. You might enjoy looking at it.

  5. I can't wait to see it when its done.

  6. Wow! You certainly need space for this fantastic house. I am sure you'll have a lot of fun decorating and furnishing it. Happy work.
    Hugs, Drora

  7. Score! Don't ya just love those successful garage sale visits?

  8. Fantastic purchases!
    I'm curious to see where you put them.
    Bye Faby

  9. Great deal De!! You will have such fun with this! hugs, ara

  10. Огромная удача - найти и получить такой домик! Целый клад с сокровищем. Поздравляю!

  11. Wow congratulations on your fantastic find. Cant wait to see more.
    Hugs Maria


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