Thursday, May 17, 2012

Too busy to mini and ready for summer break

This has been a crazy week. Tonight was my first night home all week and I fell asleep in the recliner almost as soon as I sat down. :) I did manage to make dinner for my family. My eldest has been home on and off over the last couple of weeks and she has been extremely helpful. She did all my laundry yesterday - woo hoo!

Tomorrow night we are going to see our high school presentation of Footloose. My nephew has the lead. He's very talented and I am really looking forward to the show.

Sunday is my middle's college graduation. I just know I'm gonna cry. She's graduating from hubby and my alma mater which makes it extra special. We're moving her home for summer classes and job searching on Wednesday. She's looking for a job 4 hours away near her boyfriend so I'm planning to enjoy the time she's home.

By the end of July we are likely to have an empty nest. Oldest and youngest are moving into an apartment together mid July. Middle hopes to be moving sometime around then, too, depending on how the job search goes. I'm not sure how I feel about everyone leaving home. I'm looking forward to more time with hubby but this is going to be an adjustment. At least the oldest and youngest won't be far away and will probably pop home now and then...when the food runs out if not before, lol.

I hope you are all having a wonderful week - I am but I am so ready for summer break so I can start my new project. My ebay purchases have arrived and I'm anxious to get started. Stay tuned!


  1. All good things, but I can imagine how strange it must be when all the kids leave home!

  2. The week after my youngest left , I started and almost finished a quilt. Amazing how much you can get done! I never realized that I was spending that much time with her because she was so independent, but I must have been.


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