Friday, June 8, 2012

A brief detour

 Remember I said something about working on a dollhouse for my friend's little girl? I was planning to build the DuraCraft Sweetheart but then tripped over the chunky little house I redecorated after my MIL found it in her attic. It's absolutely perfect for the toddler furniture I found.
I delivered the house last night. She loved it! The look on her face was priceless.  She seemed particularly entranced by the baby in her cradle, the nursery rug and the toilet, lol.  She's not quite 2 so is still excited by simple things. :) She loved the nursery so much that she managed to put herself in it! It's so much fun to make a little girl happy. The last two pieces for the living room came today so her little family can watch TV and read by lamplight.

If you've never gifted a child with one of your mini projects, I highly recommend it. The joy on their little faces makes it all worth while. :)


  1. Lucky girl! Great house. I love it when children put furniture in any room regardless of use? Why not? :) CM

  2. What a beautiful gift and nice post. It made happy both the giver and the receiver.
    Hugs, Drora


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