Sunday, June 17, 2012

Can't leave well enough alone

 Since the San Fran is still sitting on the coffee table I have lots of opportunity to look at it. The study desk looked too much like two tables glued together. I wanted something that looked more impressive. I used pieces of a wooden fan and skinny sticks plus some new hardware to give me the look I wanted. Since the desk faces into the office you don't see the front but I know how good it looks now. :)
 This is the view once it's in place. The carved sides and new hardware add a lot to make it look more expensive.
 I also prepared tea for the household. Charles and Faith are enjoying scones with cream and strawberries and tea (with sugar, cream and/or lemon) in the parlor.
Matilda is supervising Noah's tea in the turret room. Noah is also having scones with cream and fruit slices. He's having lemonade rather than tea. He has a full set of silver with his tea because he's also having manners lessons.

The little details are my favorite thing to add. They give the house and its inhabitants character and personality.

We were blessed with two hours of steady rain today. We've been suffering from a moderate drought and today's rain will help with that. My vegetable garden certainly appreciated the gift. I hope you had a beautiful and blessed day!


  1. Everything looks very nice and comfortable for the inhabitants. You have cute little ornaments scattered about. I enlarged the pic of the food tray. It looks very inviting. I'm sure the little people will enjoy every last crumb of it. I hope Noah's table manner lesson goes well. Take care!

  2. Great work. I like the pictures.
    Bye Faby

  3. Que buena idea has tenido,ha quedado estupenda,un abrazo.Rosa.

  4. The new look from the desk is wonderful. Love the other photos. Small details are important.
    Hugs from Craftland

  5. Great job upgrading the desk. I totally agree with you about the details, they're what we rely on to bring a little life to our mini settings.

    Thanks for your comment about my bathroom dilemma, I'm going to continue to mull it over for a while and see how the 'glam' settles in. I'm actually leaning that way a bit myself and one of my neighbours has just visited my workshop and she's voting for glam as well. I can easily make up a story about Emily spending a little money on replacing the old plumbing :) I actually have 2 of these shower sets so I so have the option of spray painting one and see how they compare (I bought one with this house in mind and was gifted the other).

  6. Thanks everyone! I appreciate all of your comments and ideas. :)


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