Saturday, September 29, 2012

Library Display

 Here we are stopped on the roadside making some adjustments. The San Franciscan and the Petite Dreams were too large for my RAV so they had to ride in the back of hubby's pickup. I had the Willowcrest and Victorian Cottage. I spent a long time yesterday waxing things in place before we put the plexiglass covers on so I had to make very few adjustments once we got the houses inside.
 Here I am at the end of the Victorian street. There were already people looking before we even got out of the library. :)
The Willowcrest pictures didn't come out very clearly but it and the wedding gazebo are on the bookcase directly behind this one.

The added bonus today was talking with one of the librarians who's also a miniaturist. We exchanged contact information so we can get together to see each other's collections and talk minis. Woo hoo!


  1. A lot of work for you. I wish our library had something like that! The houses look very nice.

  2. How exciting, De! I was wondering how you were making out. :)

  3. Thanks, ladies. This was definitely less work than last year's display but those houses are heavy so it was a bit nerve wracking. ;)

  4. Your street looks very nice, I'm sure that they will be enjoyed by many. Just think of all the kids that are catching the mini bug.


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