Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Chair Challenge

 The chair challenge photos have been posted on my mini forum so I can show you what I did. The idea was my husband's. The little boy has broken his mama's favorite vase playing soccer in the house so he's "doing time" in the chair in the corner. His faithful dog thinks it was partly his fault so he's "chairing the blame."
 If you look very closely you can see tears on the boy's face.
I revamped a Dollar Tree doll to make the little boy. He used to be a blonde, blue-eyed little girl, LOL.


  1. Esta genial!!! lo de la idea de la silla del tiempo es muy buena idea para plasmar la escena,enhorabuena,besos,Rosa.

  2. A touching little scene. You are so creative! Who, but you, would have thought of the doll's fantastic makeover. The overall is so cute!
    Hugs, Drora

  3. This is a very cute sweet scene. Fantastic work. Lol you done a great job on this doll.
    Hugs Maria

  4. Love the "pun" and the idea!! About to start time out with my little girl and I have a feeling it won't be this cute!! -Ara

  5. Thanks so much for your kind words, everyone. This was a fun little scene to do.

  6. Really creative makeover! I love reading your blog. Always full of wonderful new mini adventures. :)


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