Saturday, December 15, 2012

A shepherd with a lot of animals to watch over

My daughter and I had a fun afternoon looking through thrift and antique shops looking for animals for her nativity. We found the lambs and the calves that way. The donkey, ox and cow came from Tractor Supply. A doll I made many years ago that no longer had a home suddenly aged and went back in time to become a shepherd. ;) Daughter number 2's nativity is now complete.


  1. It looks very nice. Your daughter must be so happy with it. I'm disappointed because I only had one shepherd in my manger and it fell and hit my phone connection box which is installed near the wall. It broke too badly to be repaired. Now the lamb has no shepherd. But I'm thinking that it actually has the greatest Shepherd right there next to it. So, that's my consolation.

  2. Such a beautiful Nativity and memories for your daughter. Hmmmm I will have to go to Tractor Supply to look at their little animals. We have Agways also and they have small animals.


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