Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hello 2013!

Happy New Year blog friends! I hope that this is a year filled with joy and blessings for each of you.

I also hope that I figure out how to fit minis back into my life now that I'm working almost full time. For this next week I am working full time - doing my job and part of a former co-worker's until the school gets someone hired. I am really missing my hobby time. I still haven't figured out how to keep up with household chores, let alone adding fun time. So my new year's resolution of sorts is to get a better balance between family, home, job and minis. Our family has a lot of chronic health issues with hubby and the kids have the biggest issues. My time "playing" with dollhouses is what keeps me emotionally balanced - the dollhouse people always do just what they're told and they never get sick. ;)

Have a wonderful week!


  1. Hang in there, De. Life is hard sometimes but I'm sure you'll get to put some mini time in!

  2. I understand how difficult it is to fit everything into a day. Minis keep me "sort of" sane too. :D

    Wishing you a happy new year filled with many blessings!


  3. Happy New Year De!!! I have a hard time finding balance between work and home too- and I only have me and the hubby to worry about :)

  4. Stumbled upon your post and that could have been me posting, but making jewelry and crocheting instead of making minis. The only difference is that I went back to work full time 3 years ago and I'm still trying to get my act together LOL. Don't worry too much, the important things always seem to get done.


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