Sunday, February 3, 2013

Business is booming!

Well, compared to the past two years' sales it is...Since I moved my shop to Zibbet I've sold one item/year until this week. I've now doubled my sales! It is really interesting what people choose to buy, though. Last week I sold a cornucopia and this week I sold Alf Elf, a Christmas elf. I am very excited and very hopeful that my shop has been rediscovered!

I am gonna consider this an early birthday gift. :) Oh, and speaking of birthdays, hubby had planned to throw a surprise party for me next weekend. His plans were upset by a late birthday party planned for my SIL. He's still having the party. I just don't get the surprise, lol.

We're spending the evening with some wonderful friends, good food, and football. Neither of our teams is playing but we will enjoy the fellowship. I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend, too!

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