Saturday, February 16, 2013

Finally! Minis...and more

 I still haven't found time to work on the elves' workshop but I decided today go through all the things I had tucked away for this project. This is everything - just as items were found or purchased. Some of these things will undergo transformation before the project is complete.

 Teddy bears, dolls, games, dollhouses, cars, trucks, airplanes, fishing poles, BB guns, rocking horse, tricycle...
 ...a slide, balls of all sizes, already wrapped gifts...and busy elves. I think I have plenty to fill the Sweetheart kit I'm using.
I was in the mood for jewelry making today so I picked up some supplies today while grocery shopping. I really like how the necklace turned out. I made very simple earrings and a bracelet to go with it. The pendant is definitely a statement piece so the other jewelry needs to be pretty low key.

Add in a pre-shopping coffee date with hubby and there's my day. I hope yours was a great one, too.


  1. wow love the necklace and earrings very cute, as are all the little toys and things for your elves shop! cant wait to see the finished shop.

  2. Wow, De, you have quite a stash! It will be fun to see how you put everything together. I love your jewellery. You seem to be a woman of many talents!

  3. Thanks, ladies. I'm anxious to get started on this project but life keeps getting in the way, lol.

  4. With these supplies you nearly have your shop made.
    De, you are a really very talented lady. Your jewelry is fantastic.

    Hugs, Drora

  5. Perfect mini for your project.
    Bye Faby

  6. Welcome to my blog, A fairytale come true. I really like your front page, with all the boxes. I love doing miniatue boxes.


  7. Thank you so much! Jewelry can be so expensive and I can't always find just what I want - making it solves both problems. :)


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