Sunday, February 24, 2013

It's all in the details

 I filled the window boxes with ferns. I wanted something simple and I had these on hand.
 I added a few details to the workroom. James has a can of paint and a used paint brush on his paper. The dollhouse in progress table has a large bottle of tacky glue. There's a calendar with all the days crossed off leading to Christmas Eve. There's also a Santa plaque just to remind the elves that quality is important.
 James' twin, Janey, has the breakfast dishes soaking in the sink and has coffee ready for everyone. It's Christmas Eve and they need all the help they can get!
 In the storage room, Moe is sorting through boys' toys with the master boys list in hand. Down in the kitchenette, Amanda is doing the same with the girls' master list. Her twin, Miranda, is counting teddy bears in the work room.
The washroom got a liquid soap dispenser, paper towel dispenser, trash can, and next to the toilet, a toilet paper holder and a plunger.


  1. It's a sweet little house. Lot's going on. You must be happy you were able to work on it.

  2. Thank you, Lucille. I am happy I got to work on it. It had been so long that I was worried I'd forgotten how, lol.

  3. What a lovely cheerful Christmas house. A little different from Santa Houses so even cuter for it's different characters.

  4. it's a very sweet little house, my favorite part are all the toys! they're so tiny and cute!



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