Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day Tripping...

I am officially on Spring Break from school. Hubby took the week off, too. We're hoping to get the garden ready and I plan to tackle the disaster area aka as the sewing room. But tomorrow we're going to take the day to explore Frankenmuth, Michigan. I was there once with friends but DH has never been. When I was there before I didn't get to go to Rau's Country Store - where they have a dollhouse and miniatures section - but I am looking forward to going tomorrow! I will post pics of any mini finds.

We had a wonderful Easter. Worship services this morning and a large family dinner after. Just enjoying a quiet evening at home tonight. Wishing you all a great week!


  1. Dear De,
    Have fun and a wonderful time, you deserve it. I'll look forward to see pictures of your trip and mini finds.
    Hugs, Drora

  2. Hi De! Hope you have a nice week off and get lots done. Don't forget to take little breaks.


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