Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rockin' along

 I was able to get part of one of the side walls "rocked" today. I still need to finish the edges of the top third of today's stones but I'm happy to be making progress.
 I modified a strange little underscaled hutch I had to make the glass fronted counter. It worked really well with an added countertop.
 Shelby uses an simple adding machine with cash drawer and she uses an old fashioned desk top phone in keeping with the antiques in the shop. These were made with wood scraps and beads.
 The glass case is filled with random bits that look nice but that I won't want to use at some later point in an another project.
 Shelby uses a cedar chest for extra storage behind the counter. I made it from a plastic 1:16 scale dresser. I cut the legs off and stained it.
And here's the promised photo I forgot to take last night of the right side of the upper story. I really like how this project is turning out!


  1. This is amazing, De, how quickly it's going. I love that little telephone and the adding machine. Also the angel and the doll in the last photo. You're on a roll!

  2. Unos progresos geniales,tanto en la fachada como en el interior,un buen trabajo!!

  3. Your shop is lovely, so full of wonderful treasures. The way that you used the out of scale items is very clever, the counter looks great.


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