Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring Cleaning

Well, it's spring and I was cleaning so I guess that counts, lol. My sewing/craft room was such as disaster that I wouldn't let anyone else in and I would just dash in and dig out what I needed, then work in the living or dining rooms. Today was the day to tackle it and, boy, did I. Ten large black trash bags full. A stack of emptied boxes. It's so much better. I have a plastic box full of items for my next project and the rest of the mini drawer is mostly organized. The 4 large drawers full of fabric have been sorted. The paper drawer was crammed full of mostly scraps and I could never find printies or wallpaper scraps that I knew were in there. Now everything is sorted into manila envelopes with labels. I can find exactly what I need. Woo hoo! I sorted through my wood scraps and larger pieces, too. Dollhouse wallpaper is rolled and stored in oatmeal cans under my work bench. I know where to find styrofoam squares, egg cartons, pipe cleaners, plant materials...I am ready to create!

My camera is charging so I can share photos of my work...and prove that I do have a floor in that room. ;-)


  1. De, you are way ahead of me! I keep doing it over and over. It never seem to end...

  2. Hi De! Looks like you're making the most of your time off. It's a nice feeling to feel organized and makes working so much easier! Looking forward to your future creations.

  3. It's so nice to get cleaned up and sorted. You are welcome to come home to me, I need the same remediation of my study room.
    Have a nice weekend.


  5. Casey, I have to do the same thing. No matter how great my intentions, I still manage to make huge messes in the workroom. Each time I organize a little more in hopes that I can keep it that way.

    Ladies, I think I used all the ambition up. I've cleaned the craft room, my closet, half of the laundry room, and my car. I ran out before I got to the storage room so I think you're going to have to look elsewhere for ambition. ;-)


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