Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mini Thanks

 The teacher in whose classroom I work is celebrating a birthday tomorrow. I wanted to make a little something to show her that I appreciate all that she does. This mini living room shows what many teachers' evenings are like.
 She teaches third grade so all the papers are examples of work the students actually do in her class. The top in each stack has answers written in although the multiplication facts answers are only scribbles as the numbers are too tiny to read. You'll notice the poor dog waiting patiently with his leash and empty bowl.
 The sandwich is an inexpensive pre-made mini from years ago. A friend made the apple and the cup and plate are from the teapots I used for ornaments this past Christmas.
 The math text book is the one we actually use at our school. A little detail that I'm excited about is the recliner handle. I recently acquired the small circle beads and with a carved piece of cocktail fork they make a very realistic handle.
I had a tiny scrap of school themed fabric. I used those apples on several items to carry my teacher theme throughout the tiny room.

I had a lot of fun making this project. I hope Mrs. M. enjoys it!


  1. A great idea, De! She will be very happy!

  2. Me encanta, es una idea estupenda , los papeles por el suelo queda genial:)

  3. I'm sure she'll cherish it.
    Great work!
    Hugs, Drora

  4. She will be extremely happy... It is a wonderful project.

  5. A very beautiful gift.
    Bye, Faby


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