Friday, June 28, 2013

I am pleased to introduce Jackson

Jackson started as a professional wrestler figure from Dollar Tree. He had scars or warpaint or something on his cheeks and very black hair. He looked pretty scary, lol. He's a short man - only 5'6"- but he works out so he's quite strong. He is Shelby's business partner and best friend. They make an interesting pair as she is over 6' tall. ;-) I made him a nice shirt and slacks after removing the scars and changing his hair color to a warm brown. I think he has his eye on the lovely customer on the third floor. We will have to watch to see if he makes his move...

I added a little bit of gold accent to the black plant stand on the first floor. Metallic Sharpies make that super easy.

I just noticed I now have 399 followers thanks to Lisa. At 400 I will have another giveaway. Stayed tuned!


  1. Thanks Dee - LOVE YOUR SITE and your ideas

  2. Nice work cleaning up Jackson. He can always supply security for Shelby, if needed. :)
    I love the plant stand! What a difference the gold accent made. You really do beautiful work & I love your blog.

  3. Ohhh, Jackson looks so strong!

  4. what a pair they make, looks like true love to me :)

  5. Jackson cleaned up really nice, great job. It's nice to have a strong man around when there is furniture to be moved.


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