Friday, June 7, 2013

I went on a "long explore" to quote Winnie the Pooh

Of my favorite antique mall and found some goodies for my antique shop. The mini shop, Then Again, is loosely based on the real shop, Then and Now.
 I only explored two floors today but found some great things. I never know what I will find. Sometimes I find actual miniatures that I can use and sometimes I find great things to repurpose.
 The crib is the perfect size for the bungalow nursery. I paid too much for it but it's just what I've been looking for. The sides actually slide up and down.
 This is how the entry level looks now.
 The dog looks shyly around the counter. He/She needs a name. Let's make it a contest. Put your suggestions in comments on this post. The winning name will receive a small prize. I'm just not sure what that will be yet, LOL.
 The funny little pottery dishes are under the console table with the ship's wheel that came in my new box of tea. The large elephant is also one of the new purchases.
 I turned the picture frame into a vanity mirror with more of the mirrored poster board.
The plastic chair got a paint job. Now it looks like a well-worn piece. The paint takes away the plastic look.

I also did the grocery shopping today so I was actually productive but I had so much fun exploring. Next time I will have to start downstairs and work my way up. I was afraid I'd find more if I went to the lower level today, ;-).


  1. great finds!! I don't usually find anything at my local flea markets.
    I like the name Mr.Peabody for the puppy.

  2. The dog looks like a Rusty to me.


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