Saturday, July 27, 2013

I really need to finish the stones on Then Again but...

...I keep finding little 5-10 minute projects because that's all I've had time for lately.
 Last night's mini project was adding holly to the window boxes on Santa's Toy Workshop. I bought a roll of holly at Rau's Country Store in Frankenmuth, MI, when hubby and I spent a day there recently. I added three branches to each window box and a few branches to the planter on the step, too. Also new are the welcome sign at the top of the large window and the snowflake at the peak. I'd purchased a set of mini ornaments on clearance, planning to use them in the workshop and then promptly put them somewhere I'd forget about. Just found them on the shelf with my cookbooks. Not sure why I put them there...
If you enlarge the photo you may be able to see the tiny berries I added to the holly branches. I just used tiny dabs of red Gallery Glass paint so they would have dimension.

I still have a lot of the holly left. Next time the Claus's house comes down from the top of the bookshelf I will add some holly accents to that, too.

I guess this is my "Christmas in July" post. Christmas is my favorite holiday but I'm not ready to go there yet! Still enjoying the last days of summer. Have a wonderful day!

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