Monday, August 12, 2013

Busy Monday

Hubby and I took what was supposed to be a quick walk to the garden last evening. Well, that resulted in two heaping full harvest baskets and a 5 gallon bucket full of corn. So today I froze corn, tried a new sweet pickle recipe, and started a crock of sauerkraut. I've never made sauerkraut and I really don't care for it...but hubby does. So I am experimenting and maybe I will like the version I make. In any case, I am now enjoying a rest in the recliner with my feet up. Dinner is planned and won't take long to put together so I have at least an hour more to rest.

I start back to work on Monday and I still have a lot of garden veggies still to ripen. Minis may be on an extended hold. I hope to at least fit in some little projects. Fingers crossed!

Have a great week!


  1. I really dig the interview. A lot of people give me weird looks when I tell them I am into dollhouses, so I have to kindly remind them that it is no different than train or car scale models. I've been watching your blog for a short bit and I must say it is inspiring. I am starting my own blog as of today still learning how it works. Thanks again.

  2. Love sauerkraut, Hope your hubby likes your version. Sandie

  3. Thanks, Sandie. I hope so, too.


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