Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The big haul

My husband and I had an antique shop and dinner date this afternoon. We explored several new to us shops in a nearby town and had so much fun. He's an engineering type and enjoys collecting slide rules and mechanical calculators and we were lucky enough to find two of them in different styles from what he already had. I picked up a couple of things for a child's dollhouse I am planning as a Christmas gift at one store, a dog for the log cabin in another. In yet another shop, I spotted a lovely salt dip that was perfectly scaled to use as a dollhouse tray (for the mini antique shop). When I told the owner how I planned to use it he asked if I'd be interested in any vintage plastic furniture. I said yes so he brought out a large basket with several sandwich bags filled with pieces in mostly half scale. I started to sort out bits I liked when he asked if I'd like the whole lot for $30. Woo hoo! Of course I said yes. I spent a fun evening sorting and found items to use in both the bungalow and the colonial half scale houses. There were even a couple of bags of people. The colonial has a new owner (and her date) who's apparently been antique shopping, too. She has a new desk, sofa and chairs in the den and a cool art deco bedroom set. The new dining set was an earlier Goodwill purchase. The bungalow got visiting grandparents, a baby buggy, a high chair and a rocking horse. I have a ton of goodies left over. Time to look for another half scale house!
 The dog has obviously smelled the rabbit. Better hop away fast little bunny! (1:12 scale DuraCraft cabin)
 This is only about half of what I purchased!
 I love this bedroom set - the vanity drawers and the wardrobe doors open. After a bit of repair painting, the lady of the house looks quite elegant for her date. (1:24 scale RGT Colonial)
 Her date looks a bit too comfortable...I hope he isn't a total bore. (At least he isn't wearing the bilious green slacks he came with, lol.) (1:24 scale RGT Colonial)
 The desk drawers open, too. All the red definitely brightens up the room. The green bookcase was made by a friend for a small scale swap. I think it must be an inherited piece because it doesn't fit with the rest of the furniture but you make exceptions for the special things. :-) (1:24 scale RGT Colonial)
 Grandma and Grandpa are visiting on the porch while the baby naps. (1:24 scale RGT Bungalow)
 Grandma looks a little uptight. I hope the conversation is going well...(1:24 scale RGT Bungalow)
 Grandpa, OTOH, looks a little crotchety. I think he's been banging that cane around. I hope he doesn't wake the baby early. (1:24 scale RGT Bungalow)
This cute dining set is made of resin. The flowers and the coffee are molded on. The set is a nice size for the small kitchen.  I have several very nice half scale kitchen sets but my cabinets and appliances are very securely glued so I will save the others for future projects. (1:24 scale RGT Colonial)

That's a quick preview of my bargain purchases. There are a whole lot more pieces so stay tuned for future projects!


  1. So many little things :) and so many photos of them :)
    Wspaniałe, miniaturowe rzeczy. Oglądam i podziwiam zdjęcia :)

  2. Great purchases & I always love to see the way you fix up the dolls & furniture you find. Do you just use regular craft paint on the dolls?

    Also, I collect Marx & Renwal minis & I wonder if any of the items you purchased were from them? Some items can be difficult to find & worth quite a bit.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. they're all so beautiful and the people really suit house..those are really good finds :)


  4. What fun! Love your characterizations!

  5. Thank you!

    The furniture pieces are all newer than Renwal and smaller in scale. (I have two tin litho houses filled with Renwal, Plasco, and Ideal furniture. :-) ) There are Blue Box, Superior, E Crown, and a few other makers. Also, a lot of unmarked pieces.


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