Thursday, November 7, 2013

The promised photos

 The door and shutters were painted with Soft Plum. It's a pretty muted purple that does a beautiful job of toning down the magenta. Good little girl colors but not cartoonish. This kit has a beautiful door with inset panels on the exterior. I added the stained glass accents with colored Sharpie permanent markers on the included windows.
 The family that lives here is vintage Fisher Price. This is Mom thinking about all the work she has to do to finish the house before Christmas. The box window is gorgeous - with a large shelf/window seat. It's hard to tell with the blue painters tape but I added stained glass to the center window here, too.
 There are three round windows in the upper level. All have been given the stained glass treatment. The colors dance across the pale floor when the sun shines through them.
A closer view of the door and shutter treatments. Also, you can see the stained glass a little better. I am happy to see the house taking shape. Soon I will be moving on to the furniture kits.


  1. Wow, it's looking beautiful, De! I love the stained glass windows and the colors are so cheerful. Great idea using sharpies.

  2. Thank you, Lisa and Deni. I am anxious to get the house finished so I can move on the the "fun stuff" like furniture and accessories. :-)

  3. Hi De! I think that this little cottage is Adorable! I love how you are decorating it both inside and out with a little girl in mind. Your bathroom fixtures that you purchased on ebay are great for this project and I look forward to seeing how this little house transforms and develops. Well done!



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