Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Another snow day/another project (Caution: very picture heavy)

 I needed a project for the day. I did laundry, too, so I could play without guilt. ;-) I started with a large boot box, some foam core scraps, and a couple of pieces of cardboard.
 That led to a basic half scale house.
 I used one inch scale shingles as cedar shake siding...
 ...and two sizes of half scale shingles for the roof.
 The attic family room - The TV was missing the screen so I cut a small piece of vellum and a matching piece of black cardstock and wedged them in through the back of the television. I am very pleased with the result. The wall and floor are both covered in scrapbook paper. Some of the furniture pieces are Blue Box but the couch is Superior.
 The bedroom -all but the nightstands are Blue Box furniture. The dresser drawers open. So tiny but very detailed. I think the furniture is a bit under scale (for 1:24) but it works. The wallpaper is actual dollhouse paper and the carpet is scrap of printed felt. I still need to add artwork, accessories, and maybe a window.
 The bathroom set is Blue Box. This room needs rugs, towels, and something for all those shelves.
 This is the dining\sitting room. The china cabinet is a no name but the other pieces are Blue Box. (I am not sure about the fireplace.) Scrapbook paper wallpaper and carpet (suede paper). This room needs art and maybe a window. A few accessories to make it look lived in would be good, too.
 And, last but not least, the kitchen. I love these appliances! I think I need to add open shelving above the row of appliances. I also need rugs and pans, dishes, etc.
The base trim was the last to get glued on. Please excuse the clamps. If you don't see the back of the house, I don't think you'd know it was made from a box. This was a really fun project - and it didn't cost a dime as I already had everything I used. The best kind of trash to treasure project. :-)


  1. De,
    How clever! I love when we can create something from stuff that's just lying around the house, what a cute little house!
    sugar, spice and whatever's nice

  2. what a cute house, if I hadn't seen you build it out of a box I would think it's made out of wood. very nice :)

    Marisa :)

  3. Oh De, that is so cute! It reminds me of my room boxes I made out of plywood. Very creative!


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