Sunday, April 27, 2014

Ten hours later...

 The bridesmaids and flower girls will carry pinecone balls. My older daughter, the MOH, had to leave early so hers isn't finished but here are all of the others. Four of us worked all afternoon and evening (past midnight!) to finish the "flowers." Each bridesmaid is decorating her ball so they will all be different. It's hard to tell in the photo but they are so pretty! The two smaller ones in front are for the flower girls. My daughter, the bride, did those.
 I purchased several varieties of pinecones on ebay. The ones I used for the tree are gorgeous but older daughter calls them satanic, lol. They have wicked spikes on them. Rather than risk someone getting a spike splinter on the wedding day, I used them to make a tree for the guest book table.
 This is the bride's bouquet. I spent five hours just on this but it turned out well. I used pinecones given to her by people in our family. We also gathered some from the woods behind our house. Her grandfather planted those trees and he passed away several years ago. Those cones are in memory of him. The roses are pink burlap and several of the pinecones have outlined petals in pink or iridescent glitter.
 The lace is from my wedding veil and the beaded charm was made by one of her bridesmaids as her something blue.
And, as you can see, the bride to be is happy with the results. :-)

As soon as Hobby Lobby gets another of the paper mache houses in the right size, I'll be starting a new mini project. Hubby's cousin commissioned a stone cottage as a Christmas gift for one of her daughters. Stay tuned!


  1. Hello De,
    These arrangements are beautiful and so creative. It will b a gorgeous wedding.
    Big hug,

  2. oh they're so beautiful, I cant believe you added a bit of your veil to the cute..I misted up a bit reading about it and seeing the beautiful bride. it's going to be a wonderful wedding I can just tell :)


  3. This is a gorgeous bride's bouguet.
    I also love your flower arrangements. I wish your daughter and your family great happiness!
    Hugs, Drora


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