Friday, June 13, 2014

All in a day's work

 I only got the stone on the front but had to shade and seal it because I couldn't wait. ;-) I'm planning to landscape the base on this one. A bit of grassy lawn and flowers, I think. I am debating putting shingles in the dormers. The roof will be corrugated tin with a bit of rust.

 I like the tile floor. It adds much needed color to the bathroom. I'm going to add a little fabric curtain to the sink cabinet.
 I had to piece the ceiling/bathroom floor so it gave me a great opportunity for beams.


  1. Has avanzado bastante!!! La casa ya va tomando forma tanto por fuera como por dentro,me gustan mucho las baldosas del baño!!

  2. You are doing a great job on this half scale house. The modern bathroom is really beautiful it
    will be a shame to move it out. But
    I understand that you want to keep
    everything in style. I love the floors.
    Hugs, Drora

  3. Oh wow, De! It's looking great, what a labor of love!
    Happy Monday to you!


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