Wednesday, June 11, 2014

More chickens for now....

 Outside work is still taking precedence over minis but I have to get started on the commissioned cottage soon so you will see new work in the near future, I promise. :-) In the meantime, this is what's taking up some of my mini time -
 These are a few of my favorite birds - Houdini (the first to escape the temporary pen - she's some version of Ameraucana/Auracana mix), Aurora (a Red Star- I love her coloring), and Henry (formerly known as Henny Penny until distinct rooster like qualities became very apparent, lol.)
As soon as I enter the run, everyone comes running because they expect a treat. Today's leftover salad was a big hit.

We are still working on the garden, too. The big plots of corn, potatoes, melons and various squashes still need to be done. Hopefully, hubby will be able to till up the plots this weekend so we can finish the planting. We've had rain for the past few days which was desperately needed but it has made the soil too wet to work with.

The other thing we've been dealing with is getting our insurance claims all settled after a brief but powerful hail storm last month. The adjuster looked at our house and property last evening so we know what needs to be done and we have a recommendation for a contractor. That work should start soon.

I've also started working my way through the rooms of the house sorting, organizing and cleaning. I'm dreading the sewing room so that's last on my list, lol. When school is in session, I work just under 30 hours/week and I'm still amazed at how hard it is to keep up with everything at home. I feel for those who have to work full time and still have full responsibility for things at home.

Thanks for your patience as I work on my real life chores before I can move on to the mini projects. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen this brand of chickens before. I see that you keep them
    free and they probably lay organic
    Hugs, Drora


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