Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A day for details

 The bathroom is closer to finished. At least it has most of the essentials. I added toilet paper - a standing dispenser and a spare roll on the tank. The tub faucet is finally in place, too. Rugs, mirror, candle, and a new lid for the bath salts finishes today's work in this room.
 A piece of country styled art for the living room and a rug that will lay flat once there's a finished floor in here.
 The kitchen got a huge ivy plant that hides the upper cabinet join and a pitcher of flowers for the top of the fridge. There's also a new rug for in front of the sink....
 ....and a kitchen clock showing that it is, indeed, lunch time.
I've done nothing to the upper hall or any of the doors. I'm probably going to finish most of the interior work before even starting the exterior. I'm working on this project in very topsy turvy manner but I am having fun. :-)


  1. This is such a cute and enchanting house, Dee. I absolutely love it!

  2. Thank you, Lucille. What a sweet thing to say!

  3. Oh wow ! Such a cozy little home . I love what you've done. I think it'd look great as my size kitchen too. ( and how many of us have not at one time or another placed a plant in front of something in a room we want to hide ?) :)

  4. Im loving this house its so warm and welcoming .

  5. Thank you, KathyB and Kez! I am pleased to hear that I am achieving the effect I was aiming for. And, Kathy, :-). Half the battle of good decorating is knowing how to camouflage what can't be changed, right?


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