Thursday, July 31, 2014

And so it begins

Yesterday I picked and canned our first green beans of the season. Lucille asked to see a photo of the results. We got a late start on our garden so we're a little behind everyone else but from now until October, if the weather holds, I will be canning or freezing something. I'm afraid we won't get any corn this year but we should have good harvests of green beans, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, cabbage, and various varieties of squash. I will probably only have beets enough for one canner full this year but they will be a great treat this winter. The peas and carrots will provide a few fresh meals but there won't be enough to process. Every year is a surprise as to what will do well and what won't. But we will have plenty of food to put up for the winter and I will enjoy knowing just what my family is eating.

Have a wonderful, blessing filled day!


  1. Beautiful work, De! There's a lot of work in those jars! They look delicious!

  2. Hello De,
    They look great and are making me hungry!
    big hug,

  3. Im so Jealous, I really need to keep up with my garden and start canning because we do have a fruit celler, I used to can peaches with my Grandmother but that was years ago.



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