Saturday, July 19, 2014

Changes in the wind

If you've been following me for any length of time, you know that I can rarely call something finished and then leave it that way. ;-) Fortunately, my changes are usually improvements and, in this case, that is definitely true. I just didn't like the look of two separate cabinet units when that isn't how they look in real life. So I trimmed a bit here and filled a bit there and painted over it all. Then I used a scrap book trim, filled in the holes with different colors, added a bit of Triple Thick, and called it tile. I added bits and bobs from my stash to blend in any problem areas, and...ta da! Now I should probably finish the walls, flooring, windows, etc. LOL

Hope you are all having a lovely and blessing filled weekend!


  1. De,
    I think it's coming along beautifully, and I agree it was a nice improvement, can't wait to see it finished!
    sugar, spice and whatever's nice

  2. Hello De,
    All the work you are doing on the house is coming along beautifully. I really like your reworking of the kitchen.
    Big hug,


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