Monday, July 21, 2014

When life gives you...

...broken stemware, make a mini table. After a long and frustrating morning, I opened a cabinet to put something away and this heavy plastic wine glass fell out. Grrr. But then I saw how cleanly the base broke off and wondered how I could use it. (Because that's how we miniaturist people think, right?) I had purchased a package of trophy cups at Dollar Tree to use for urns in the new dollhouse and realized, after measuring, that it would work as a base for the "glass" topped table. I painted it to look like iron, glued the top on, and I have a lovely little table. Next up will be attempting to make "iron" chairs to go with it.


  1. Good idea! I love trash to treasure
    Hugs, Drora

  2. de you are so clever I never would have thought of that. I can't wait to see your chairs :)


  3. Thank you! See the next post for the chairs. :-)


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