Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wow! Just....wow! (A New Project!)

My friend found an amazing bargain for me today at a local consignment shop. She found a partially built Allison by Artply complete with instructions and the rest of the kit.

 There are also ten kinds of wallpaper - some actually is dollhouse wallpaper and some is tiny print 1:1 paper. On top of the rolls of paper is a package of chair rail and rolled with the paper is a piece of pink carpet.
 These two books on making dollhouse miniatures were included.
 There are two types of shingles - regular wood ones and a package of cardboard fishscale strips. Also, look at all of the fancy railing!
 It looks as though the whole kit is here. There are also some miscellaneous bits like stair spindles.
And here's the proof on the cost. I am amazed and very excited.


  1. Hi De,
    I would be quite excited too! A new project for you just at the right time. (since you have finished your paper mache house-I think).
    Can't wait to see what you do with it!
    Have fun!

  2. Hello De,
    That is a wonderful find. Enjoy bringing it to life.
    big hug,

  3. What a treasure trove ! I am excited to see how you put it all together.

    I just got an old school ( as in it was a doll house for a school ) dollhouse out of storage so my granddaughters can work on it this coming week. Dollhouses and miniatures always excite me with the possibilities and your blog helps inspire me to get a-going on my projects. ( because I don't have enough projects :) )

  4. Wow! So happy for you. You will have fun with this! Looking forward to seeing what you do!

  5. Thanks, everyone! I'm excited, too.


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