Monday, August 4, 2014

I just don't know but let's make it a contest

Usually when I work on a doll house project, by the time I've started I know how I want both the interior and the exterior to look. I had no trouble envisioning a French country look for the interior of this house but I'm just not sure what I want to do with the exterior. The previous owner had purchased a lot of the plastic "wrought iron" railing so I plan to use that on the balconies. But where is this house located? I thought of New Orleans as a possibility but I'm not completely sold on that idea. What do you all think? Here's the box photo so to give you a better idea of the style. All opinions will be considered. Whoever has the idea that speaks to me will get some sort of a prize - yet to be determined. Good luck!


  1. You could just paint it all white and aged a bit, so it doesn't look tizzie but old and pretty? Could be located anywhere, France, New Orleans ...

  2. oh when I saw the photo of the house it reminded me of a boarding house in Sydney Australia .I guess where in the world you are located makes you see somewhere closer to home :) thats a link you should see the place I was reminded of .

  3. Thanks for the ideas! I will be checking them out and thinking hard. :-)

  4. Hello De,
    It actually makes me think of the houses I see in the mountains when we drive through Vermont. However not sure if the wrought iron would be true to that vision.
    Have fun.
    Big hug,


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