Saturday, January 24, 2015

I Thought I Was Happy

 Anyone who has followed my blog for any length of time knows that sometimes it takes a few "improvements" before I am satisfied with the results. The living room chandelier was one of those times. I didn't dislike it before but it wasn't quite right. I started with the collar at the top (and this is the 3rd edition collar, lol) and then decided it needed some bling. Adding the bling would have been much less challenging if I'd decided on that path before the chandelier was fixed to the ceiling. But with some twists and turns and other maneuvers I managed to get the crystals attached. I think it's an improvement. What do you think?
Back soon with some exterior ideas...


  1. Te ha quedado una lámpara preciosa!!!

  2. Well done De,
    That is the mark of a true miniaturist...keep on going until you get it just right!
    Big hug,


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