Sunday, February 15, 2015

All in a day's work

The corrugated cardboard is in place for the whole roof and I have two adjoining sections of the roof tiled. That's all I got done in between church, making dinner, doing laundry, gathering eggs, making "granola" bars (nuts and seeds rather than granola), and a custard. That's still several hours of work - just the large area alone has 235+ tiles. The smaller area went pretty quickly. There's one more large chunk but it's much smaller than the front. Hopefully, I can finish the roof this week. Then I have a few more interior details and it will be finished. Well, as finished as a dollhouse ever is. ;-)

Have a wonderful, blessing filled week, my friends.


  1. This house looks amazing! I love the roof tiles. Well done.

  2. Te ha quedado fantástico!!! El cartón corrugado ha funcionado perfectamente!!

  3. Thank you, Isabelle and Pilar! I so appreciate your thoughts on my projects.


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