Sunday, February 22, 2015

Just a few more details

 No one gave an opinion regarding the bench but I decided it needed to be weathered and aged. I like it much better now.
 I added more family photo collages to the upper hall wall. The HBS catalog was a great source for pictures.
I gave the bedroom art piece a frame of sorts. I used a Sharpie marker on the outer edges. It makes the painting stand out a bit more, which I like.

I only added a few things but they give the house a more relaxed and cozy feeling. I need some sort of curtain over the low window in the bedroom. I just frosted the bathroom windows but  I think I need more than that in the bedroom. I'm still debating...opinions?


  1. Hello De,
    Just catching up on your posts. the bench is great...good call! I just love all the touches you have added. the house really feels alive and lived in.
    Big hug,

  2. Thank you, Giac! I'm so pleased that you think so.

  3. Me gustan los detalles que has añadido,como el envejecido del banco,le dan más realismo!!


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