Monday, February 2, 2015

Making it look lived in

I've added other details like food and water for the dog and a bowl of toddler friendly food on the table but my favorite little touches are these -a stack of mail and keys in a shell bowl. We all have that spot in our homes where everything is deposited as we come in. So do the mini people, lol. I scanned a set of real keys and reduced the size to make these. They are just paper but since the console is  behind the stairs I just needed the illusion. These paper keys are more realistic than most dollhouse keys anyway.

We are plowed out and a path has been made to the chicken coop. We got roughly 14 inches of snow.
Today the sun is shining and the sky is blue so the snow just sparkles.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Todos esos pequeños detalles son los que dan vida a la escena!!!

  2. Hello De,
    Great detail. It add so much to a miniature project when it looks lived in. Enjoy the snow.
    Big hug,


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