Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Little Project

 My sister-in-law gave me these beautiful 1:1 candle holders for my birthday back in February. I love them! They normally sit in the middle of my dining table now that the snowmen decorations are all put away. For some reason yesterday I thought, "Those wouldn't be too difficult to recreate in miniature." We all know once the thought crosses your mind it's just a matter of time before you have to sit down and try it, lol. A couple of the things I had planned to use just didn't work or I couldn't find. I'm glad of that because these turned out so well with the second choice options. They weren't difficult, just fiddly.
I had everything on hand, even the right paint colors. See, I was meant to make them. ;-)

Wishing you all a wonderful, blessing filled week!


  1. Son perfectos!!!! Idénticos a la escala real.

  2. De, the candlesticks are adorable! And yes, the colors do match perfectly. Well done. :)

  3. Thank you, ladies! This will be a future American Miniaturist tutorial. :-)


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