Saturday, April 4, 2015

A new look at an old project

 One of my great nephews got entirely too touchy with the log cabin at Christmas. I finally brought it down to do the repair work. (Right before having the same child here for Easter. What was I thinking?!) The tree was not his fault. My daughter's cat's favorite place was right beside the cabin on the tree side. She broke two of the branches. Just gluing wasn't enough. I wrapped the whole thing with brown floral tape and then put vertical pieces on the trunk to look more like bark. Sorry the photo isn't clear. I will get a better one later.
 While I had it out, I gave everything a good cleaning. Rebekah appreciated the help.;-) James is out getting some wood for the fire.
 Lunch is ready on the table. James had better hurry.
 It looks like Rebekah is already planning tomorrow's meals.
 In such a tiny space, everything has it's own place. Even one thing out of place makes the whole cabin look cluttered. I think that tool box needs to go to the barn. I wouldn't want to sleep under it!
 A fresh loaf of bread and venison stew. Yum! Little Emily is sleeping right through. It's cozy and warm by the fire.On the mantle you can see their special things from back home. The little china doll, the blue and white vase, the Bible and the crocheted doily are all reminders of special loved ones. A traveling artist came through the area shortly after Emily was born. He painted the family portrait behind the vase.
It's a little too warm for Rebekah. She's enjoying the sunshine and breeze through the open door. Now that the harvest is done there won't be too many more days warm enough to open the door.

Sometimes it's fun to revisit old projects. I hope you enjoyed the tour!


  1. Lovely scenes and nice story which I enjoyed very much.
    Happy Easter!
    Hugs, Drora

  2. Siempre es agradable volver a ver tu bonita cabaña,hacer la limpieza,reparaciones y ver como va la vida de sus habitantes!!!!
    Feliz Pascua!!


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