Wednesday, July 8, 2015

In recovery and making plans

Hi all! I am still among the land of the living. I am recovering from foot surgery. All went well but I have to spend most of my time with my foot elevated above my heart. That's not a good position for making minis so I have nothing new to show. I have decided, however, on the 1950s as the time frame for the Westville house my friend gave me for Christmas. I'm excited to start on it. The family will be mother, father, and son. I'm planning to make the boy's room cowboy themed. I already have the boy doll. Those who've followed by blog for awhile may remember the boy with a coonskin cap that I found while hubby and I were in Frankenmuth, MI a few years ago. He's a resin figure like the Houseworks dolls who's been living in the boarding house until I get him his permanent home. HBS has Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood dolls that I think will be perfect for little Davey's parents. I've been doing some research to get ideas for the rest of the rooms. I also have to decide how much I will make and what I want to purchase. Hopefully, in the next month or two, I will actually have  photos of something to share. Thanks so much for your patience if you are still following!


  1. Hi, hope you are making a good recovery and your project will advance from "feet above the heart" thinking time to mini action on your new house.
    All the best.
    Regards Janine

  2. Hello De,
    I am glad the surgery went well. I wish you very speedy recovery! Your plans for future projects sound great. I can't wait!
    Big hug,

  3. Thank you both! Patience isn't my strongest attribute so the healing time is a bit hard. The "finished" foot will be worth the wait, though. :-)


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