Wednesday, July 29, 2015


The thing about doing a doll house project in a time period that is not a common one for miniaturists is that it's harder to find wallpaper. I have made wallpaper for previous projects and it's something I really enjoy doing. Yesterday I spent several hours working on a kitchen design. After thinking about it all night I made some changes. I love the result.
It's fun to play with colors. Pink and turquoise are not colors I would use in my kitchen but they were typical for the fifties. Several years ago I made a mini version of the farmhouse where I grew up. You don't find much wallpaper for the 70s, either. The kitchen paper I designed for that house was all in golds, oranges, and avocado greens. If you haven't ever designed your own wallpaper, it's very simple with a card making program. I use PrintShop which has a large source of graphics on the software and available for free online. That's where I got the graphics for this paper.

Tomorrow is my last day in the boot. Woo hoo! I know I'm still going to be sore but I am looking forward to sleeping without multiple layers and hardware on my leg.

Have a great day!


  1. Hello De,
    I'm glad the boot is coming off...don't overdo it!
    I really love that wallpaper. great job. I know what you mean, I often plan a room in my head just to realize the paper I want, usually a fairly common design in that period, is impossible to find.
    Big hug,

  2. I love it, and it turned out wonderfully. I am missing working with my miniatures and looking forward to some quiet crafting time this winter. Until then I will admire your work and that of other inspirational miniaturists.( There aren't enough hours for me to do all I want to...maybe I could give up sleep.)


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