Sunday, November 8, 2015

Kitchen cabinet update

 After doing a bit of refresher research I decided that my "Formica" pattern wasn't busy enough. I added some gray triangles and some more pink ones. I filled in the empty spots with pink splotches.Then I gave the counters a diluted warm white wash to tone the colors down just bit. I touched up the "chrome" edging and reworked the sink faucet. All in all, a very successful project from start to finish. I can't wait to really get started on this house.


  1. Te ha quedado un conjunto precioso!!! Yo también estoy deseando ver como queda en la casa!!!!

  2. These kitchen furniture and accessories look great after your treatment.
    I love the color combination. Great job!
    Hugs, Drora

  3. I love it, De! I can't wait to follow your progress on this one!


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