Thursday, January 21, 2016

It's the Little Things

 The kitchen now has curtains and a few more small details.
 Mrs. Sherwood's ginormous pie is really starting to bother me. If I grind out the bowl with my Dremel what would be better in such a large bowl? I'm not sure I can get the inside smooth enough to make it just an empty bowl. Ideas?
 I made a brief visit to Hobby Lobby today and found a few more pantry items. It's full enough to seem like a real pantry but I still have room if I want to add something later.
 The last project for this evening was these nightstands for the master bedroom. I still need to seal them but I'll wait until the glue is completely dry.
I think they look good in the room.They will look better with lamps, books, alarm clock, etc. Slow and steady wins the race, right?


  1. Wow, your kitchen is wonderful ! It looks like a kitchen I'd love to be able to sit down in and have a cuppa with the lady of the house. Your work looks perfect to me.

  2. Hello De,
    It is coming along beautifully. I like the nightstands.
    Big hug

  3. You have made wonderful progress. I love the kitchen
    The bed looks great with the beautiful cover and the side tables are
    Great work, as usual.
    Hugs, Drora

  4. Thanks so much for your kind words! The house still needs a lot of details-all the things that make a house feel like a home.


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