Sunday, January 17, 2016

Pining away...and kitchen update

 I'm using a brown Sharpie to add knots to my panels. They are cut to size and I used the back of the knife to score the planks. I mixed a custom stain. Once stained I lightly traced the plank lines with a pencil and sealed the wood. I'll finish the others then see how easy or difficult it will be to work around the windows and door. I'm pleased with the look, though, so it will be worth the effort.
The upper cabinets are installed, as is the range fan. All that's left is the detail work in this room. That's the fun part!


  1. Nice work! I love the colour of the stove and fridge. Did you make them and did you build the cabinets. They're very nice.

  2. Hello De,
    Nice work! The cabinets look lovely.
    Big hug


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