Friday, January 1, 2016

Small Progress on Some Minis

 The kidney coffee table and step end table just didn't look finished. I spent quite a bit of time sanding each one. Then I added a bit of warmth to the color. I am much happier with them now.
 I purchased two Houseworks upper cabinet kits for the kitchen. They were very easy to assemble.
Here they are finished and ready to hang- presuming I ever have time to work on the Westville. My Christmas break has been nice but I just wasn't able to find the time to work on minis that I'd hoped for. Bring on the snow days!  ;-)


  1. La mesa de riñón te ha quedado muy bonita y esos Kits son preciosos!!! Espero que vayas encontrando tiempo para las minis,las navidades son fechas de hacer muchas cosas y no siempre hay tiempo!!!


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