Saturday, January 9, 2016

There's light at the end of

 This is a picture heavy post but I wanted to show you my purchases and I got a bit of time today to play. The turquoise chair and ottoman are the purchases I told you about in my last post. I extended the chair legs so that the seat is at the right height. The next photo better shows the color. It's very similar to the couch color.
 The television is a vintage salt and pepper shaker set. I got the idea from a couple of blogs when I was searching for MCM dollhouse projects. The starburst clock is temporarily in place with a bit of wax but I think it will likely end up in that spot when the room is finished.
 The bathroom walls are cut but will need trimming and such to look finished. I will wallpaper and put "tile" flooring in and a mirror over the sink. There's not much point in doing much more than that since you really can't see much. I will feel better knowing it's done. ;-) The brown fabric will be the carpet for Davy's room.

 I'm adding a wall and door on Davy's room, too. If I run the wall from the center of the window out I won't have to make any exterior changes. Since the window is centered over the bay it would look weird if I change the position of the window. I think I will make both windows look bigger on the inside with trim and curtains. That's plan A, anyway.

 The upper cabinets are temporarily in place with a bit of packing tape. I will either order another kit or make shelves for this end of the upper cabinet area. The under the stairs area will be a pantry.
 Looks like Mr. Sherwood just got home from work. I'm sure he will be happy if the renovations are ever completed.
 Davy and his dog are checking out the layout for his bedroom. The long narrow room doesn't lend itself to much creativity in the layout but at least he will have a private room with a door.
I think I like this master bedroom layout better than the last one I tried. The fabric carpet is just laid on top of the zebra felt that I'm still trying to get rid of. Grrr. I keep working at it and can remove just a bit each time. I can't just lay carpet over it, though, like I can the glue bumps in Davy's room.

I didn't do a whole lot today but it definitely feels like I've made progress. I'm still hoping for that snow day. :-)


  1. Las reformas llevan muy buen camino y las habitaciones van cogiendo estilo,es muy agradable de ver los avances,ánimo!!!

  2. In love with the living room! Things are looking great

  3. Hello De,
    I love the furniture you chose. It is all beautiful and the house is taking shape.
    Big hug


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