Monday, February 8, 2016

Kind of like hopscotch

 At least that's how I feel as I jump from one little project to the next today. The pan of soup was done last week but I just remembered to show you. I had a rubber band out to make a rawhide chew toy for Davy's dog. As I looked at it, I realized I could cut small slivers and make noodles. My "yummy" soup recipe is rubber band noodles, polymer clay bits of carrots and celery, and amber glass paint. Since Mrs. Sherwood has been deep cleaning all day the Sherwoods are having canned soup, white bread and butter for dinner.
 The table is set with soup bowls and silverware with napkins, a basket of bread slices, butter with a knife, and salt and pepper. There's fresh baked apple pie for dessert.
 I finally got the books made for Davy's shelf. He's got some classics like Charlotte's Web, The Borrowers, and Robinson Crusoe as well as some Golden books. His favorite, Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier, is on his dresser.
 I made a mailbox out of some scrap metal. It even has an atomic starburst embossed on the lid.
 I wrapped some spice printies around a scrap of balsa to make these spice cans. The little shelf is made from scrap bits of wood. You can also see the recipe cards on the counter in this photo.
The clock is made from a metal lid from a champagne bottle, paper, scrap metal, and a little watch bit. I painted the lid with nail polish.

I still have plenty of little things to do to add personality and life but I am very pleased with the results so far.

Have a wonderful, blessed week!

1 comment:

  1. I love your house It looks so real and cute i really like the kitchen


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