Friday, February 5, 2016

The attic wins!

 Since the attic isn't even tall enough for little Davy to stand upright I opted for the attic storage area only. I went digging through the miscellaneous minis drawer and found an attic worthy selection. Unseen are the leftover bark floor boards which are tucked away at the back.
 I added a built in brick planter to the porch.

 Mrs. Sherwood apparently plans to use the bowl of soapy water she's been carrying around to clean the fridge. Do you think she'll come and clean mine, too?
 I got the trim on the bedroom wall and attic floor.
The only thing different in here is that the little dog is now painted as a Westie.

I think the only "big" things left to do are the roof and chimney. Then I can finish up the details. This house will be going to the library next summer for a couple of months. This isn't the only one - they called and asked for a fairly large display. I'm glad it's during the summer. That will give me time to clean and organize before I haul them to town. :-)

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